About Bellingham

Did you know that Bellingham is the #1 city in the lower 48 that gets the fewest sunny days in a year? Now there’s two ways you could take that… Buy tickets for the next flight to L.A. OR you could revel in that fact and wear it as a badge of gloomy honor. I implore you: revel in the rain!

Also, don’t be afraid to use this fact as a tactic to scare away Californians who are trying to escape the heat and rising real estate - and if that doesn't work, tell them we’re a popular stop in for serial killers

About Evan


I was born and raised in Bellingham. I graduated from Squalicum High School in 2009, and then skipped town to go to college at George Fox University (Go Bruins!). After graduating and spending a little time in Pullman (Go Cougs!), I came back to town in 2014. It was hard at first; it felt like I was moving into the past. However, this town quickly revealed that it had as much to offer me as an adult as it did when I was a kid. Suddenly Bellingham started to look like my future, not just my past. 

My first couple of Bellingham Sticker designs were kind of a happy accident but I felt like they were a simple way to celebrate this wonderful town that I have called home for all these years. I hope you join in the celebration and that these designs help you express your love for this town and the greater pacific northwest.

If you’d like to hear more about me and Bellingham Stickers, go check out my interview (#16) on the Stories of Bellingham Podcast.
